Press Releases

Proclamation – CNMI Humanities Month – October 2022

WHEREAS, the humanities includes, but is not limited to, the study of language; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history; and

Proclamation – Cybersecurity Awareness Month – October 2022

WHEREAS, the CNMI Department of Finance’s Office of Information Technology recognizes that it plays a vital role in identifying, protecting its citizens from, and responding to cybersecurity threats that may have significant impact to our individual and collective safety and privacy; and

CNMI awarded $8.8 million in CIP funding

Governor Ralph DLG. Torres was recently informed by U.S. Department of Interior Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs Carmen G. Cantor that the CNMI has been awarded $8,829,728 in fiscal year 2022 Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funding.

CNMI Department of Labor conducts MSHA Workshop in Tinian and Rota

The CNMI Department of Labor conducted a Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Workshop last September 13, 2022 in Tinian and on September 14, 2022 in Rota.  The 8 (eight) hour workshop was attended by surface mine operators (rock quarries), construction companies, and several other privately run businesses.

Governor Torres remains committed to safeguarding retirees’ pensions

At Thursday’s Settlement Fund Trustee Report Review Hearing, NMI Settlement Fund Trustee Joyce C.H. Tang and Judge Frances M. Tydingco-Gatewood praised Governor Ralph DLG. Torres and his Administration for diligently making payments to the Settlement Fund and prioritizing the retirees despite the hardships caused by Super Typhoon Yutu and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governor Torres questions House Majority’s decisions with FY2023 Budget

Governor Ralph DLG. Torres in a radio media briefing on Friday emphasized the irresponsible and negligent actions made by the House of Representatives’ Majority Leadership in their version of the FY 2023 Budget bill that was submitted to the Senate on Monday, August 29th, where they proposed to take away critical funding from healthcare, community and cultural programs, vocational rehabilitation services, and public safety departments and agencies.

Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.