Evergreen Learning Coach Russelle Mae Ignacio facilitated a two-hour online health and safety training on the ‘Prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Use of Safe Sleep Practices’ last July 1, 2023.
This training is one in a series of health and safety training topics required within the first 3 months of employment in the program for new providers. This is an annual requirement for on-going providers, especially those assigned in the infant/toddler program.
During the training, the participants identified safe sleep environments for children to prevent SIDS from happening when children are under their care. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), SIDS is unlikely to happen if one of the risk factors is removed. Environmental or outside stressors like loose bedding and tummy sleep position is known to contribute to SIDS. Now that providers are aware of this information and trained about its prevention, our child care providers can help avoid this incident from happening in a child care setting.
This training is made possible through funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Care, and the CNMI CCDF Program under the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs.