TO: All Executive Departments and Agencies
FROM: Governor
SUBJECT: Rescission of Directive No. 2021-002 Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination of Executive Branch Employees
The mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements helped ensure the safety of workers especially first responders, including those in the healthcare and education sectors. Protection of the workforce and the communities that they serve helped to ensure the continuation of services without disruption to the operation of clinics, hospitals, and schools. The Commonwealth government implemented the vaccine requirements for its workforce to reach 98% compliance. This allowed our healthcare system to effectively manage access to care, especially during the surges which occurred last year.
The mandatory COVID-19 vaccine requirements saved lives in the Northern Mariana Islands. With 13,395 diagnoses, 41 deaths, and a fatality ratio of .31%, the vaccine and other measures protected our communities.
While vaccination remains one of the most effective tools in safeguarding the health and safety of employees and promoting efficiency in the workplace, we are at a different phase of the pandemic and mandatory vaccination of executive branch employees is no longer necessary. The World Health Organization has announced that it no longer considers COVID-19 a global health emergency. The Federal government will end the vaccination requirement effective May 11, 2023.
Therefore, I hereby rescind Directive No. 2021-002, and the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for executive branch employees will no longer be in effect as of May 15, 2023.