CNMI Leaders Work Collaboratively and Proactively to Address Fiscal Challenges

With a sense of shared responsibility and a commitment to transparency, Governor Arnold I. Palacios and Lt. Governor David Apatang today released a joint statement with the presiding officers of the Senate and the House of Representatives, led by Senate President Edith Deleon Guerrero and Speaker Edmund Villagomez, respectively, addressing the urgent fiscal challenges facing the CNMI.

Updates from the CNMI Department of Finance and Marianas Visitors Authority have indicated positive economic activities, including an uptick in tourism arrivals from flights and cruise ships, the resumption of Hong Kong Airlines passenger service to the CNMI, the accelerated movement of large-scale infrastructure projects, and heightened emphasis on tax collection activities.

However, Finance Secretary Tracy Norita has indicated that although some of these activities have contributed to the increase in Hotel Occupancy tax revenues, for instance, they have not been sufficient to offset declines in other revenue categories, most notably Excise and Business Gross Revenue (BGR) tax collections in the second quarter. This is an indicator that imports of general commodities and high tax-value items such as cigarettes and alcohol have declined, impacting revenue forecasts and actual collections. As a result, the Commonwealth’s revenue forecast for FY 2024 will need to be revised downward, prompting the revaluation of financial priorities and modification to expenditures. DOF will continue to track revenue collections to determine to what extent the current budget will need to be adjusted.

“While it’s not easy to share this news, I believe we must confront our challenges openly and work together to find solutions,” said Governor Palacios. “In light of these economic realities, I want to emphasize the importance of fiscal responsibility and prudence in managing our Commonwealth’s finances. Nonetheless, in confronting fiscal challenges, we must approach them with compassion, especially when considering how the most vulnerable in our community will be affected.”

“We are committed to working together to ensure that essential services are not disrupted, ensure both legislative houses address fiscal legislation in conference committee, ensure fiscal transparency, and closely monitor revenue updates while we collectively and actively navigate through the difficult decisions for our Commonwealth’s long-term stability and prosperity,” said Senate President Deleon Guerrero.

“We will be looking at immediate, time-sensitive measures that will impact the current budget, and we will also be evaluating the FY2025 budget and other legislative initiatives that can help stimulate growth and provide vital support,” Speaker Villagomez said.

“I understand that some of the measures may involve sacrifices and adjustments for many individuals and agencies,” Governor Palacios said. “However, I believe that by working together and making informed decisions now, we can lay the foundation for a stronger and more sustainable economic future. We have overcome challenges before, and I do not doubt that we will emerge from this period of uncertainty with renewed determination and optimism.”

Governor Palacios added that he will work with the Legislature to prioritize investments in initiatives that have the potential to advance economic growth and create new opportunities for our residents. He also cited the upcoming economic summit, which will engage private sector leaders, government heads, nonprofit agencies, and other stakeholders in developing comprehensive short- and long-term economic strategies.

Further, Governor Palacios, together with Senate President Edith Deleon Guerrero and Speaker Edmund Villagomez, are committed to keeping the public informed of developments and announcements in the coming weeks. He also urged residents to be engaged in the process and to provide feedback and input where appropriate.

Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.