- Commonwealth Bureau of Military Affairs (CBMA)
- CNMI Council On Development Disabilities (CCDD)
- CNMI Cannabis Commission (CCC)
- Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
- Commonwealth Lottery Commission (CLC)
- Commonwealth Medicaid Agency (CMA)
- Commonwealth Office of Transit Authority (COTA)
- Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA)
- CNMI Scholarship Office (CSC)
- Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC)
- Commonwealth Zoning Office (CZO)
- Department of Commerce, Saipan (DOCS)
- Department of Commerce, Tinian (DOCT)
- Department of Community and Cultural Affairs (DCCA)
- Department of Finance (DOF)
- Department of Lands and Natural Resources (DLNR)
- Department of Labor State Workforce Development Board (DOLSWDB)
- Department of Public Lands (DPL)
- Division of Parks and Recreation (DPR)
- Joeten Kiyu Public Library (JKPL)
- Indigenous Affairs Office (IAO)
- Mayors Office Saipan (MOS)
- Mayors Office Tinian & Aguigan (MOTG)
- Marianas Visitors Authority (MVA)
- Municipal Council (Saipan)
- Northern Marianas College (NMC)
- Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (NMHC)
- Northern Marianas Technical Institute (NMTECH)
- Office of the Governor & Lt. Governor
- Office of Grants Management (OGM)
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- Office of the Public Auditor (OPA)
- Office of Planning & Development (OPD)
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
- Public School System (PSS)
- Substance Abuse, Addiction & Rehabilitation (SAAR)
- Tinian Municipal Council (TMC)
- Veterans Affairs Office (VAO)