Proclamation – National Disability Employment Awareness Month – October 2022

WHEREAS, October 2022 marks the 77th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the National Disability Employment Awareness Month is to educate the community about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of CNMI’s workers with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the history of National Disability Employment Awareness Month traces back to 1945 when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October each year as “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week;” and

WHEREAS, in 1962, the word “physically” was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities; and

WHEREAS, in 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month also known as NDEAM; and

WHEREAS, Workplaces welcoming of the talents of all people, including people with disabilities, are a critical part of our efforts to build an inclusive community and strong economy; and

WHEREAS, in light of this year’s theme, “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation,” the collaborative efforts of the Disability Network Partners (DNP) will ensure that activities throughout this month will reinforce the value and talents that people with disabilities add to our workplaces and communities –and thus, affirm CNMI’s commitment to an inclusive community that increases and promotes access and opportunities to all, including individuals with disabilities.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the CNMI recognizes and commemorates the 77th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the CNMI pledges to continue to take steps throughout the year to recruit, hire, retain, and advance individuals with disabilities and work to pursue the goals of opportunity, full participation, economic self-sufficiency, and independent living for people with disabilities.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, RALPH DLG. TORRES, Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth, do hereby proclaim October 2022 as


I call upon employers, schools, and community stakeholders throughout our great Commonwealth, to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to advance its important message that people with disabilities add value and talent to our workplaces and communities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this 5th day of October 2022.




Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor
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