Three new cases of COVID-19

The Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force and the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) announce that three (3) additional people have been recently confirmed to have contracted COVID-19. 

These new cases, identified through contact tracing, are in stable condition and are safely isolated at Kanoa Resort. These cases are being closely monitored by CHCC medical teams. CHCC has already initiated contact tracing for the most immediate contacts (close family members, friends, and associates) of these new confirmed cases.

The three (3) new COVID-19 cases are all males, age 19, 25, and 27 years old, asymptomatic, and are contacts of previously diagnosed COVID-19 cases who reside in the CNMI.  Specimens were collected, processed, and confirmed positive at CHCC Laboratory today.

It is not clear whether these cases tested positive because of current infections or if the tests are detecting viral debris of a previous infection from which they have already recovered. Contract tracing evidence indicates that these cases were most likely exposed through a small gathering of people from different households.

Even if you’ve tested negative for the virus, or have already been infected with the virus and recovered, it is essential for everyone in the community to continue to practice strict social distancing, and avoid public places as much as possible. 

The CNMI’s COVID-19 count is now at 19 cases with five (5) active cases, 12 recoveries, and two (2) deaths.

The Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force and the CHCC continue to make the best clinical and public health judgements possible with the tools that we have available to us, and ask for the community’s continued efforts to avoid contact with others, practice rigorous hand hygiene, and wear face coverings when in public places. These simple actions for prevention remain the best tools we have to keep ourselves, our loved ones and the most vulnerable safe.


The Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force and CHCC continue to encourage residents within the Marianas to practice social distancing, which means avoiding close contact with people in order to avoid catching the virus yourself and to avoid passing it on to others.

1)    Stay home as much as possible. Avoid unnecessary travel or public places. Wear a face covering when you must be in a public place, such as the grocery store or bank.

a)     Avoid social gatherings of groups of more than 10 people, and gatherings which involve members from outside your immediate household. 

b)    Pick up food through drive-thru, take-out, or delivery options.

c)     Only one healthy adult from the household should run necessary errands, such as getting groceries or picking up medications. Leave children, elderly, and other vulnerable people at home as much as possible. When returning home from an errand, wash your hands before doing anything else. 

d)    Older adults and people with chronic medical conditions are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. People at high risk should stay at home as much as possible.

e)     Create a household plan of action

f)     Ensure a 30-day supply of all prescription medications.

g)    For more information about DIY face coverings, please visit

2)    Continue good hand hygiene:

a)     Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, avoid touching your face, cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your sleeve.

b)    Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available.

3)    Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if you become symptomatic:

a)     If you have symptoms which may indicate a COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, go to the CHCC health tent, located at tent #13 of the Medical Care and Treatment Site at the CHCC Navy Hill campus open daily 8am to 5pm, OR call the CHCC COVID-19 Infoline 285-1542/1672/1352/1854 available Monday to Sunday 7:30AM-8:00PM.

b)    Stay home when you are sick and practice self-quarantine measures. This means:

                                          i)         Choosing a room in your house to separate yourself from other household members from others who are not sick.

                                        ii)         Wearing a face covering when you can’t avoid being around others in your household.

                                      iii)         Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

                                       iv)         Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

                                        v)         Not accepting visitors to your home.

                                       vi)         Using a separate bathroom, if possible.

The CHCC appreciates the patience and understanding of the community at this time. To obtain general information about the CNMI COVID-19 response, please contact the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force Hotline at 287-0046, 287-0489, 287-1089. These numbers are available Monday to Sunday 7:00AM-7:00PM.

For medical information about COVID-19, please reach out to the COVID-19 Infoline at the following numbers: 285-1542/1672/1352/1854. These numbers are available Monday to Sunday 7:30AM-8:00PM.

For mental health support and helpful tips during a crisis please call the Mental Health Support Line at 285-1856, 323-6560, 323-6561 These numbers are available Monday to Friday 7:30AM-4:30PM. For the 24/7 Disaster Distress Helpline please call SAMSHA at 1-800-985-5990.

For more information about CHCC programs, please follow CHCC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter at @cnmichcc, check out our website at or call us at (670) 234-8950.

For more information on the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force, visit and please follow @GovernorCNMI on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

This health advisory may be found online at

CHCC Point of Contact:

Janet Guerrero / Portia Tomokane

(670) 234-8950 Ext. 3416

Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force Point of Contact:

Kevin Bautista

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Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.