Governor Torres and Lt. Governor Palacios announce the launch of new website for the CNMI Office of the Governor:

Governor Ralph DLG. Torres and Lt. Governor Arnold I. Palacios announce today the launch of a new website for the CNMI Office of the Governor,, to provide residents of the Marianas the latest information on COVID-19, as well as other updates from the CNMI Government.

“Through this new website, CNMI residents will be able to read the latest press releases, executive actions, priorities, and updates from our office and administration, as well as the latest information on our response to the global pandemic from our COVID-19 Task Force and the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC). There is a lot of work being done, and we want to share updates and services for our people,” said Governor Torres.

“Our goal is to provide a centralized website that has all information from our efforts as a government especially in our response to COVID-19. This includes updates from our departments with their websites and our plans as an administration moving forward. We hope this resource is valuable for our community,” said Lt. Governor Palacios.

Built with the help of TurnKey Solutions, is the official website of the CNMI Office of the Governor.

“Governor Torres and Lt. Governor Palacios believe in making sure that government services and accurate public information are being shared with the community as soon as possible, especially now with this global pandemic. People have an insatiable appetite for news and content, and they want updated information. The goal of is to bring government services to the people of the Marianas through a convenient web portal, in addition to social media like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter,” said Press Secretary Kevin Bautista.

Governor Torres noted that a lot of information will be provided to the public in the coming weeks, as federal relief, upgrades to CHCC medical facilities, and alternate care sites will be completed as part of the CNMI COVID-19 response efforts.

“Our website will provide instructions on unemployment assistance for both government and private sector employees who qualify, as well as updates on expanding our capacity at the hospital and at our Alternate Care Site at Kanoa Resort to prepare for potential increase in COVID-19 cases. We continue to be prepared, and we will update the Marianas of our progress,” said Governor Torres.

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Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.