CNMI Energy Division Office Weatherization Assistance Program and State Energy Program services to remain suspended for the next 30 days

In light of the recent Governor’s Executive Order 2020-06, issued on April 15, 2020, renewing the Declaration of State of Public Health Emergency and continued Declaration of a State of Significant Emergency for thirty (30) days, which also includes all memoranda, directives, waivers of regulations, and other measures taken in accordance with Executive Order 2020-04, as amended, due to the imminent threat posed by COVID-19, the CNMI Energy Division Office under the CNMI Department of Public Works regrets to inform the public that all program services for the Weatherization Assistance Program and the State Energy Program shall remain temporarily suspended for another thirty (30) days.

The Division of Energy will announce additional information and updates on program services once it becomes available, or once office operations resume and return to normal.

Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.


Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor