CHCC COVID-19 Info Line transitions to Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force

The Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC) would like to inform the community that the CHCC COVID-19 Info Line will be transitioning to the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force through the CNMI Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on July 17, 2020.

This transition will allow for streamlined management and coordination for all COVID-19 related calls on a variety of topics including travel procedures, testing, results, and general information.

The CHCC COVID-19 Info Line was established on March 16, 2020 under the CHCC Area of Command COVID-19 Response to address COVID-19 related questions from CNMI residents. In the four months of operation, the info line has answered more than 4,000 calls. The CHCC and the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force will continue to provide public health guidance and updates about the ongoing pandemic through its websites and social media accounts. 

The Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force continues to manage COVID-19 inquiries, and residents are encouraged to utilize this resource for additional information.

The Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force numbers are 287-0046, 287-1089, or 287-0489.

These numbers are available Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

For mental health support and helpful tips during a crisis please call the Mental Health Support Line at 323-6560 or 323-6561 These numbers are available Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.  to 4:30 p.m. For the 24/7 Disaster Distress Helpline please call SAMSHA at 1-800-985-5990

For more information about CHCC programs, please follow CHCC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter at @cnmichcc, check out our website at or call us at (670) 234-8950.

For more information on the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force, visit and please follow @GovernorCNMI on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Rumor Control – Stop the Spread of Misinformation

During crises like this, oftentimes the spread of misinformation is just as dangerous as the virus itself. The CNMI is reminded to only share official and verified notices, press releases, and advisories from the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force and CHCC.

CHCC Point of Contact:Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force Point of Contact:
Lee Tenorio / Keanna VillagomezKevin Bautista
(670) 234-8950 Ext.

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Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.