Pagan Out, No High Caliber Live Fire on Tinian

Since the release of the Department of Defense (DOD) 2015 Commonwealth Joint Military Training (CJMT) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Governor Ralph DLG. Torres, the Tinian leadership, and the Northern Islands Mayor have led the charge to ensure that the concerns of the people of the CNMI are heard and addressed by our federal partners. 

In the 27,000 comments that were submitted as part of the NEPA process, the people of the CNMI, most especially the residents of Tinian and Pagan, were clear in their opposition to activities that required a High Hazard Impact Area, the destruction of Chulu Beach, Special Use air space restrictions, and other impacts on the people of the CNMI, our culture, our environment and our economy. 

After a series of meetings amongst the Governor, the Department of Defense, the Tinian Leadership, the Northern Islands Mayor and key stakeholders in our community, Governor Ralph Torres is pleased to inform the people of the CNMI that the concerns of our community have been heard and addressed. 

The Department of Defense has submitted to the Office of the Governor its amended proposal that has eliminated: 1) any training activities on the island of Pagan, 2) construction of landing ramps in Chulu Beach, 3) a High Hazard Impact Area for the use of artillery and aviation delivered munitions, 4) an extensive range foot print, 5) extensive fencing, and 6) Special Use air space. 

The new notional proposal contemplates similar training activities that are already currently conducted on the island of Tinian but with an eye towards training for the future that is significantly less impactful and harmful to the environment and the way of life for the people of Tinian than the 2015 proposal. 

Governor Ralph DLG. Torres extends his appreciation to the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Marine Forces Pacific and Joint Region Marianas for their partnership. 

“I thank INDOPACOM Commander Admiral John Aquilino, Mobilization Assistant to the Commander Major General Mark Hashimoto, Rear Admiral Benjamin Nicholson, and their team for their partnership,” expressed Governor Torres. “The amended proposal is drastically different in content and nature than the proposal submitted in 2015, achieving a closer balance to the type of development we see in the Commonwealth, and is more aligned with the intents of our founding fathers in their work toward crafting our Covenant,” conveyed Governor Torres. “Thank you again for all the work put into ensuring the voices of the CNMI are a part of this process and for taking the conversations of the Technical Working Group to heart in fostering a real partnership for us all.” 

Mayor Edwin P. Aldan, for his part, stated the amended proposal is a significant step in the right direction for the people of Tinian who will be most impacted by these training activities. 

“The extensive reduction in range foot print will allow continued access and co-use of the Military Leased Area (MLA), which will allow our cattle ranchers and our cattle industry to grow,” stated Mayor Aldan. “The exclusion of artillery and aviation delivered munitions and High Hazard Impact activities means no more bombs and howitzers type of weapons. Because these activities are removed, there is no longer a need to restrict air space and allows for a greater public access to historical sites and beaches within the MLA which is critical to our tourism industry and our economy. On behalf of the Tinian Leadership and the people of Tinian, I want to thank Governor Torres and Major General Mark Hashimoto for their leadership on this matter. This is a big win not only for the people of the Tinian but for all of the CNMI.” 

Last week, the CNMI-DoD Technical Working Group reconvened in a three-day series of meetings to discuss the revised training concept. The meeting outcome yielded consensus to continuing the dialogue and working towards addressing mutual interests and concerns. The Technical Working Group is comprised of subject matter experts from departments and agencies across the central and municipal government and DoD counterparts from U.S. Marine Forces, Pacific, Joint Region Marianas, and the Pentagon. 

Senate President Jude U. Hofschneider extends his appreciation to the Technical Working Group for their efforts in ensuring the CNMI’s red lines are addressed. 

“I commend the efforts of the Technical Working Group for all their hard work and dedication. The revised training concept presented is significantly different from the 2015 proposal,” said the President. “I appreciate the commitment and transparency of the DoD team. This revised training concept recognizes the concerns of the community and speaks volume of their commitment to our partnership. I also commend the Torres Administration for affording the people of Tinian through their leadership to be active participants and decision-makers in this process. We are excited with this collaborative approach and I look forward to our continued dialogue with our DoD partners.” 

With a resounding no to bombing Pagan by members of the community throughout the CNMI, Northern Islands Mayor Vicente Santos is contented that Pagan is off the table. 

“I am pleased that Pagan is completely removed from the proposal,” uttered Mayor Santos. “Over the last few years, Pagan has been the choice of vacation destination for CNMI residents and I look forward to the continued efforts towards developing the island for rest and recreation and for the eventual resettlement of our Pagan residents,” Mayor Santos expressed. “I want to thank DoD for respecting the wishes of the people and to Governor Torres for ensuring my full participation to jointly represent the residents of the Northern Islands on this critical matter.” 

During the inaugural meeting of the Technical Working Group and through subsequent meetings, Governor Torres asked that the CNMI participants hold an open mind to this engagement and to be forthcoming on the concerns the CNMI has for the proposed activities on our islands. He also asked the DoD partners for openness and understanding that their counterparts in the CNMI have devoted this part of their lives to trying to do what is right for these islands and its people. 

“I would like to thank all members of the CNMI TWG for their dedication and participations in these critical engagements and for their vigilance in the protection of our culture, environment, resources, and our way of life,” expressed Governor Torres. “We all have a role in this development, and we all, DoD and CNMI alike, are benefited from a plan that supports our nation’s security while maintaining devoted to the sustainability and protection of our islands. Being American also means we have responsibilities along with rights. Let’s continue the good work that is being done and build on this partnership. But also remember what got us here today – honesty about the issues, openness to discussion, and persistence to doing what is right for the people of Tinian, our Commonwealth and our Nation.” 

Major General Mark Hashimoto, who represented U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, stated, “Our guiding principle during these interactions was to show a deep respect for the land, people, and culture of the CNMI. To keep and strengthen trust, we must continue to do the right things, for the right reasons. The people of the CNMI spoke, and the Department of Defense listened.” 

General Hashimoto further commended the skill and professionalism of CNMI agency representatives, commenting that, “We could not have asked for a better group of partners as we seek to strike the right balance among our four imperatives – protecting natural and cultural resources; lessening and mitigating training impacts; improving economic opportunity; and advancing national security interests.” 

General Hashimoto closed on a note of optimism, stating, “I believe our interaction should inspire others and serve as a model for how the Department of Defense engages with local communities. I believe these favorable conditions will carry us into future discussions where there is only one approach – to move forward, together.” 

Throughout the course of the past seven years engaging with DoD Senior Leaders, Governor Torres successfully forged a strong partnership with the Department of Defense. With the interest of the people at the forefront of his agenda, he makes certain that the CNMI has a seat at the table in all engagements. 

In line with the Governor’s commitment to build an enduring partnership with DoD, dialogues with DoD partners will continue to further develop a training proposal that balances the concerns and needs of the people of Tinian, the whole CNMI, and emerging national security requirements. 

Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.