Governor Torres commits $1 million to creation of NMC’s film program

Yesterday, Governor Ralph DLG. Torres at a welcoming event for Hollywood film producer Brad Krevoy announced that he is committing $1 million dollars to the Northern Marianas College (NMC) for the creation of their film program, in anticipation of the CNMI’s upcoming film industry, made possible with the partnership of Mr. Krevoy. 

“The possibilities and opportunities that a film industry would bring for the CNMI are abundant, as Mr. Krevoy has shared with our community over the last two days. The countless benefits that our Commonwealth would see, such as economic diversification, creation of jobs for our people, and the exposure of our islands to new tourism markets and the whole world, is something to look forward to,” said Governor Torres.

“Moreso, as both Mr. Krevoy and NMC President Dr. Deleon Guerrero have shared, the opportunities this industry would bring to our aspiring film students is incredible, because there are so many aspects to the film industry, creating opportunities for students to grow, whether in front of the camera or doing work behind the scenes to support the production. I know this will be great for our students, our greater community, and our economy. That is why I have committed $1 million dollars to the NMC to assist them in developing their film program,” said Governor Torres. 

NMC President Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero, present at the event, shared how the creation of a film industry in the CNMI, and Governor Torres’ contribution to the development of NMC’s film program, will greatly benefit the growth of our economy and our community, “We are grateful for the Governor’s support and his commitment to creating and growing an industry that will expand the CNMI’s exposure as tourist destination, and, more importantly, present numerous job and training opportunities for our residents,” said Dr. Deleon Guerrero.


Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.