CNMI Energizing Insular Communities – Energy-Efficient/Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program (CNMI-EIC-EE/ESARP) for Saipan

The CNMI Energy Division Office is pleased to announce the launching of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands – Energizing Insular Communities – Energy Efficient/Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program (CNMI-EIC-EE/ESARP) for the 2nd Year, to assist interested residents in lowering their home’s energy use and cost of utilities by offering appliance rebate vouchers, as a financial incentive, to redeem at participating local vendors or retailers to receive an in-store instant rebate, for the replacement of old in-efficient appliances with qualified, Energy-Efficient/Energy Star rated products. Due to funding limitations, the number of rebate vouchers are limited and will be available on a first-come first-served basis, until funds run out, for Saipan, Tinian, and Rota residents. 

In consideration of the high rising cost of fuel and other financial hardships that might be affecting residents due to current existing economic conditions, the Division of Energy will be launching the program in a manner that lessens the need for residents to travel by vehicle numerous times to reduce unnecessary and unwanted fuel costs, by allowing interested residents to RESERVE a program application and CONFIRMATION NUMBER in advance, by contacting the Division of Energy Office and providing all the necessary program requirement information.  Only one (1) program application, per household, is allowed for: one (1) Refrigerator; one (1) Clothes Washer; and up to two (2) Room air-conditioners (Window-type or Split-type units). 

Once complete information is obtained and verified, residents will be issued a CONFIRMATION NUMBER that is unique only to the caller, which must be presented, as proof, to visiting designated officials of the Division of Energy for verification to receive a program application for rebate vouchers.  Confirmation Numbers shall not be shared with any other person and shall only be presented by the holder. (Additional requirements or conditions may apply.)

Please provide the following information:

  1. Full Name on a valid government-issued ID
  2. Residential address (Installation address)
  3. Contact number
  4. Commonwealth Utilities Account Number (Installation address)
  5. If a Tenant of a rental property, additional information will be required for verification.  

Energy Office Contact Information:

Maile H. Iakopo                                              Vincent S. Attao

Program Specialist                                          Program Manager

(670) 664-4480                                               (670) 664-4482

The Division of Energy will begin accepting telephone calls from interested residents on SAIPAN to reserve a program application for appliance rebate vouchers for each respective island, as follows:

Island                         Starting Date             Ending Date                           

Saipan                         May 31, 2022              June 3, 2022                            

Furthermore, in order to issue rebate vouchers in a timely and most expeditious manner, the Division of Energy kindly urges residents to obtain and make readily available for submission the information required to complete an application, as follows: (Additional requirements or conditions may apply.)

  1. Copy of valid government-issued ID
  2. A Copy of the latest CUC Billing 
  3. Make and Model Number of existing old appliances to be replaced
  4. If a Tenant of a rental property, a copy of the lease/rental agreement and Landlord and Tenant Certification (provided by Division of Energy) 

Staff members of the Division of Energy will be distributing program applications to residents on SAIPAN with confirmation numbers for submission, and to process and issue appliance rebate vouchers, as follows:


Date:                                                   Time:                                      Location:

June 7, 2022 – June 10, 2022             9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.         Division of Energy

                                                                                                            Building No. 1337

                                                                                                            Capital Hill, Saipan 

The list below reflects the voucher amounts for the islands. 

Qualified Products                                       Saipan                        Tinian and Rota

Refrigerators 14.3 cu.ft. or higher                $400.00                       $500.00 

Clothes Washers 3.0 cu.ft. or higher            $300.00                       $400.00

Window AC 12.0 EER or higher    

(5000-8000 BTU)                                           $120.00                       $160.00 

(over 8000 BTU)                                            $130.00                       $175.00 

Split AC 18.0 SEER or higher                    

(9000-18000 BTU)                                         $300.00                       $400.00

(over 18000 BTU)                                          $550.00                       $650.00 

Please note rebate vouchers only cover a portion of the amount of the total price of the units listed above. Voucher recipients are responsible for paying the remaining balance on the amount. 

Appliances must replace existing models. Residents with newly constructed or renovated homes are eligible to apply for new purchases of qualified Energy Efficient or Energy Star rated appliances. Residents impacted by the devastations of Typhoon Mangkhut and Super Typhoon Yutu are eligible, provided they have not already received similar assistance from local, federal, or private entities. 

Due to the continuing threat of COVID-19, the public is required to observe and comply with all health and safety protocols.  Masks are required at all times during the program services hours of operations. 

For additional program information or questions, please contact the Division of Energy Office at 664-4480/1.


Office of CNMI Governor and Lt. Governor

Empowering the Youth, Shaping the Future

Lieutenant Governor David M. Apatang, together with Delbert T. Pua, Special Assistant for the Office of Youth Affairs, recently proclaimed October 2024 as Youth Empowerment Month. The proclamation was made in the presence of members of the Legislature, Cabinet officials, and community partners, all united in their commitment to improving the lives of our youth.